The short documentary “Non-space: The Death of the City as Commodity“, presents some of the destructive results caused by construction-oriented economy. Despite the fact that this strategy benefits plenty of countries, whose wealth and employment is strongly connected with buildings and infrastructure, other countries suffer in multiple levels and this has to be taken into serious consideration in the future.
Director: İmre Azem
Producer: Gaye Günay
Editing and Music: Kaan Çuhacı
Animation: Emre Özbay

NON-SPACE: The Collapse of the City as Commodity (ENG version) from Imre Azem on Vimeo.

Non-space: The Death of the City as Commodity


Συγκατοικώντας τα Κενά: Φοιτητικός & Νεανικός Συνεργατικός Διαγωνισμός | Παρουσίαση αποτελεσμάτων την Πέμπτη 14 Φεβρουαρίου 2025, 18:00 στη Σχολή Αρχιτεκτονικής του ΕΜΠ