Have you just graduated and delivered some great design stuff? Or perhaps won a competition as a student? Then you may want to contact us! Architecture, art and design students from around the globe send us their school projects and have their work published!

Archisearch - Μια γέφυρα, συνεύρεση πολιτισμών | Ακαδημαϊκή εργασία των Δανάη Ελένη Παυλίδου, Μυρτώ Παυλοπούλου

Μια γέφυρα, συνεύρεση πολιτισμών | Ακαδημαϊκή εργασία των Δανάη Ελένη Παυλίδου, Μυρτώ Παυλοπούλου