tense architecture network / TAN is woven since 2004 by Tilemachos Andrianopoulos and Kostas Mavros as a network of collaborators and works of architecture. Architect Thanos Bampanelos joined in 2009, civil engineer Athanasios Kontizas supports it right from the start. The practice’s work includes several awarded residences as well as first prize competition proposals –among them a 5000m2 Town Hall in Crete and the rehabilitation of the Venetian Arsenali and their wider surrounding space in the port of Herakleon. Public space and private housing are constantly researched in their work; the two fields are purposely interconnected. Residence in Kifissia was awarded a special mention by the Hellenic Association of Architects and Residence in Sikamino was shortlisted for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture, Mies Van der Rohe Award 2013. The meaning of the abbreviation TAN, root of the greek verb ‘ΤΑΝ-ΥΩ’ -to stretch, tend, distend- is unconditionally surrendered to Albert Camus: ‘…immoderation is a comfort, sometimes a career… Measure on the contrary, is pure tension.’

Archisearch - Residence in HerakleonRESIDENCE IN HERAKLEON
Archisearch - Residence in MegaraRESIDENCE IN MEGARA
Archisearch - Residence in HerakleonRESIDENCE IN HERAKLEON
Archisearch - Residence in MegaraRESIDENCE IN MEGARA
Archisearch - Residence in HerakleonRESIDENCE IN HERAKLEON
Archisearch - Residence in KallitechnoupolisRESIDENCE IN KALLITECHNOUPOLIS
Archisearch - Residence in KifissiaRESIDENCE IN KIFISSIA
Archisearch -  Residence in Kallitechnoupolis RESIDENCE IN KALLITECHNOUPOLIS
Archisearch - Museum of underwater antiquities_PiraeusMUSEUM OF UNDERWATER ANTIQUITIES_PIRAEUS
Archisearch - Balcan Square_NeapoliBALCAN SQUARE_NEAPOLI
Archisearch - Residence in Glika NeraRESIDENCE IN GLIKA NERA
Archisearch - Residence in HerakleonRESIDENCE IN HERAKLEON
Archisearch - Disaster Center_IstanbulDISASTER CENTER_ISTANBUL
Archisearch - Residence in KifissiaRESIDENCE IN KIFISSIA
Archisearch - Residence in KallitechnoupolisRESIDENCE IN KALLITECHNOUPOLIS
Archisearch - Residence in KifissiaRESIDENCE IN KIFISSIA
Archisearch - Museum of underwater antiquities_PiraeusMUSEUM OF UNDERWATER ANTIQUITIES_PIRAEUS
Archisearch - Residence in SikaminoRESIDENCE IN SIKAMINO
Archisearch - Residence in SikaminoRESIDENCE IN SIKAMINO
Archisearch - Residence in HerakleonRESIDENCE IN HERAKLEON
Archisearch - Dubrovnik North Wall Center_Europan 11_ShortlistedDUBROVNIK NORTH WALL CENTER_EUROPAN 11_SHORTLISTED
Archisearch - Residence in SaronidaRESIDENCE IN SARONIDA
Archisearch - Residence in KifissiaRESIDENCE IN KIFISSIA
Archisearch - Museum of underwater antiquities_PiraeusMUSEUM OF UNDERWATER ANTIQUITIES_PIRAEUS
Archisearch - Residence in KifissiaRESIDENCE IN KIFISSIA
Archisearch - Residence in KallitechnoupolisRESIDENCE IN KALLITECHNOUPOLIS
Archisearch - Residence in KifissiaRESIDENCE IN KIFISSIA
Archisearch - Residence in KallitechnoupolisRESIDENCE IN KALLITECHNOUPOLIS
Archisearch - Residence in KifissiaRESIDENCE IN KIFISSIA
Archisearch - Residence in MegaraRESIDENCE IN MEGARA
Archisearch -  Residence in Sikamino RESIDENCE IN SIKAMINO
Archisearch - Residence in SikaminoRESIDENCE IN SIKAMINO
Archisearch - Rehabilitation of Western Arsenali_HerakleonREHABILITATION OF WESTERN ARSENALI_HERAKLEON
Archisearch - Residence in SikaminoRESIDENCE IN SIKAMINO
Archisearch - Residence in KallitechnoupolisRESIDENCE IN KALLITECHNOUPOLIS
Archisearch - Residence in SikaminoRESIDENCE IN SIKAMINO
Archisearch - Residence in SikaminoRESIDENCE IN SIKAMINO
Archisearch - Rehabilitation of Western Arsenali_HerakleonREHABILITATION OF WESTERN ARSENALI_HERAKLEON
Archisearch - Residence in KallitechnoupolisRESIDENCE IN KALLITECHNOUPOLIS
Archisearch - Residence in KifissiaRESIDENCE IN KIFISSIA
Archisearch - Residence in SikaminoRESIDENCE IN SIKAMINO
Archisearch - Residence in KallitechnoupolisRESIDENCE IN KALLITECHNOUPOLIS
Archisearch - Residence in MegaraRESIDENCE IN MEGARA
Archisearch - Residence in Sikamino RESIDENCE IN SIKAMINO
Archisearch - Rehabilitation of Western Arsenali_Herakleon_National Competition_1 st PrizeREHABILITATION OF WESTERN ARSENALI_HERAKLEON_NATIONAL COMPETITION_1 ST PRIZE
Archisearch - Extension in Keratsini_ Exhibited in Venice Biennale 2012EXTENSION IN KERATSINI_ EXHIBITED IN VENICE BIENNALE 2012
Archisearch - Residence in Kifissia_ Honourable Mention_Hellenic Association of Architects_2010RESIDENCE IN KIFISSIA_ HONOURABLE MENTION_HELLENIC ASSOCIATION OF ARCHITECTS_2010
Archisearch - Residence in Sikamino_Shortlisted for Mies van der Rohe award 2013 RESIDENCE IN SIKAMINO_SHORTLISTED FOR MIES VAN DER ROHE AWARD 2013