Creativity, innovation and ideas are of a fluid matter, adaptable and flexible upon change, like a good friend once said ”Water can crash or it can flow” something similar works with creativity. It is for this reason that for this 2014 Laus awards edition we want to convert each of the public’s vote in a drop of prize. If you want to participate you only have to tweet using the hashtag #OhlaLaus and the number of the corresponding piece you prefer with two asterisks. (For example #OhlaLaus *15*). The pieces and their respective number can be seen on this Pinterest board . Each drop will fill up an individual test tube based on the number of votes, the winning piece of this 2014 edition will be revealed visually to the public.
Archisearch - Images courtesy of Domestic Data StreamersIMAGES COURTESY OF DOMESTIC DATA STREAMERS
Archisearch - Images courtesy of Domestic Data StreamersIMAGES COURTESY OF DOMESTIC DATA STREAMERS