“Atlas in my Hands is a collection of eight books that sum up my persona. Each book is represented by a circle placed on the palm line relevant to how the book`s content shaped me. Moreover, the intimate relation between my hands and each book is manifested across the pages, showing how the content of a book dictates the way I hold it.”
Nour Tabet is trilingual, multicultural, postgeographic, and metadisciplinary. She is part of the vast Lebanese diaspora, and her work often reflects membership in this global community. She designs beautiful, contemporary work but that is not enough: to Nour, any successful project must begin with a thought-provoking concept. 
Archisearch - (c) Nour Tabet(C) NOUR TABET
Archisearch - (c) Nour Tabet(C) NOUR TABET
Archisearch - (c) Nour Tabet(C) NOUR TABET
Archisearch - (c) Nour Tabet(C) NOUR TABET