Buenos Aires` hospitability and acceptance of street art, combined with the willingness and the consenting attitude of property owners plus the few legal restrictions, have led to some wonderful locals murals covering gracefully abandoned facades. A great deal of street artists have recently visited the North American metropolis to leave their colourful marks to its abudance of blank walls. Among them Roa (Belgium), Blu (Italy), Aryz (Spain), Jef Aerosol (France), Ron English (USA), Stinkfish (Colombia) and Fintan Magee (Australia) are included, whose work has been internationally renowned.
Archisearch - These murals in Buenos Aires take street art to the next levelTHESE MURALS IN BUENOS AIRES TAKE STREET ART TO THE NEXT LEVEL
Archisearch - These murals in Buenos Aires take street art to the next levelTHESE MURALS IN BUENOS AIRES TAKE STREET ART TO THE NEXT LEVEL
Archisearch - These murals in Buenos Aires take street art to the next levelTHESE MURALS IN BUENOS AIRES TAKE STREET ART TO THE NEXT LEVEL
Archisearch - These murals in Buenos Aires take street art to the next levelTHESE MURALS IN BUENOS AIRES TAKE STREET ART TO THE NEXT LEVEL
Archisearch - These murals in Buenos Aires take street art to the next levelTHESE MURALS IN BUENOS AIRES TAKE STREET ART TO THE NEXT LEVEL
Archisearch - These murals in Buenos Aires take street art to the next levelTHESE MURALS IN BUENOS AIRES TAKE STREET ART TO THE NEXT LEVEL
Archisearch - These murals in Buenos Aires take street art to the next levelTHESE MURALS IN BUENOS AIRES TAKE STREET ART TO THE NEXT LEVEL
Archisearch - These murals in Buenos Aires take street art to the next levelTHESE MURALS IN BUENOS AIRES TAKE STREET ART TO THE NEXT LEVEL
Archisearch - These murals in Buenos Aires take street art to the next levelTHESE MURALS IN BUENOS AIRES TAKE STREET ART TO THE NEXT LEVEL
Archisearch - These murals in Buenos Aires take street art to the next levelTHESE MURALS IN BUENOS AIRES TAKE STREET ART TO THE NEXT LEVEL
Archisearch - These murals in Buenos Aires take street art to the next levelTHESE MURALS IN BUENOS AIRES TAKE STREET ART TO THE NEXT LEVEL
Archisearch - These murals in Buenos Aires take street art to the next levelTHESE MURALS IN BUENOS AIRES TAKE STREET ART TO THE NEXT LEVEL
Archisearch - These murals in Buenos Aires take street art to the next levelTHESE MURALS IN BUENOS AIRES TAKE STREET ART TO THE NEXT LEVEL
Archisearch - These murals in Buenos Aires take street art to the next levelTHESE MURALS IN BUENOS AIRES TAKE STREET ART TO THE NEXT LEVEL
Archisearch - These murals in Buenos Aires take street art to the next levelTHESE MURALS IN BUENOS AIRES TAKE STREET ART TO THE NEXT LEVEL