New Non Architecture Competitions Open Call: DANCING - Alternative Designs for Clubs

The aim of the “dancing” competition is to develop design proposals for the nightclub typology, intended as a place to experience entertainment in relation to music: listen, perform, dance.

The participants are asked to create innovative and unconventional projects on this theme, questioning the very basis of the notion of a club.

Recently a series of new initiatives have emerged in relation to music entertainment and dance. While festivals and morning discos have extended the duration of musical events over the limited span of one night, silent discos and flash mobs exceeded the boundaries of the club, reinventing the way and the place where music events were occurring. In the meantime, music and dance have been used also for therapies and training, as means of self-improvement and realization.Technological advances and streaming services made music much more accessible, increasing consumption and drastically facilitating production and distribution.

Within this context, with critical thinking and creative attitude, the participants are urged to create an artifact, merging considerable programmatic innovation and valuable design tools. the proposal can be a device, a piece of furniture, an interior design project, a pavilion, a building or an urban plan. The scale of intervention, program dimensions and location are not given and they can be arranged by the participants to better suit their project.

Non Architecture Competitions, DANCING, Alternative Designs for Clubs, open call, architect, design, prize, awards, finalists, book, contest

Non architecture competitions wants to be unconventional also in the way it rewards its participants. The winners will be in fact three, all equally important.

Non Architecture Competitions, DANCING, Alternative Designs for Clubs, open call, architect, design, prize, awards, finalists, book, contest

In addition 9 honourable mentions will be awarded. Each one of the 3 jury members will select one winner and four honourable mentions.

The prizes are the following:

-WINNERS (3 Prizes)
1.000 euros
Publication in the Non Architecture Competitions books
Publication on the Non Architecture Competitions website
Reviews in digital magazines and several architecture blogs
3 Books by DOM Publisher

Publication in the Non Architecture Competitions books
Publication on the Non Architecture Competitions website
Reviews in digital magazines and several architecture blogs

Publication in the Non Architecture Competitions books

Rebeca Sanchez & Miquel Clot – Directors at Ledscontrol
Lukas Feireiss – Founder of Studio Lukas Feireiss
Marc Roma Trepat Perez – Architect at B\TA & co-founder of Heads & Tails INC

1–15 February 2018 – Special Registration (30 €) period
16 February-15 March 2018 – Early Registration (45 €) period
16 March -15 April 2018 – Regular Registration (60 €) period
16 April -27 April 2018 – Late Registration (75 €) period
15 April 2018 – Submission opened on our website
30 April 2018 – Submission Deadline (23.59 GMT+0)
21-26 May 2018 – Winners announcement
21 April 2018 – Call for Papers for the “Dancing – Non Architectural Clubs” book starts
21 May 2018 – Call for Papers for the “Dancing – Non Architectural Clubs” book ends
1 September 2018 – The “Dancing – Non Architectural Clubs” book is available

Download the brief & register here !

Subscription fee discounts: 20% discount to whoever will use as coupon code: ARCHISEARCH

Non Architecture Competitions, DANCING, Alternative Designs for Clubs, open call, architect, design, prize, awards, finalists, book, contest


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