How would you describe your work?
L&V: Whether we design a product or an interior, we consider our work playful, investigative, and curious which often helps build an emotional connection with the user; we always aim to tell a story while maintaining simplicity in form and honesty in the use of materials.
What made you chose to become a Designer?
L: It is the fascination that struck me when I realised that most of the things around us are a result of the effort of a designer.
V: My love for sketching and putting my thoughts on paper 
Do you believe that Design is only about aesthetics or it should have / play a social role in our days?
L&V: Design is definitely more than aesthetics. Design is about problem solving and responding to the needs of people whether in the form of a product, service or experience. As a human centred discipline, it often reflects, comments and acts upon current social, cultural and even economic issues.
Does technology play an important role in Design?
L&V: Technology and design quite often go hand in hand, assisting each other in exploring new opportunities. Whether it is a material, a component or a manufacturing process technology is always present sometimes very subtle and others as the main feature.
How important is hand sketching for your design process?
L&V: Sketching is almost like thinking out loud and a casual way to record initial concepts and ideas; an essential and irreplaceable design tool. Our project “Design is Dead” is a comment on that very thing. 
Where comes the inspiration of the unusual textures and visual effects of the objects from?
L&V: Patterns always fascinates us. Through our work we are trying to explore different ways of interpreting patterns and textures. Not always necessarily as an ornamental feature but also as a method to enrich the user’s experience around our objects. 
Which is the project you feel more connected to or gave you more satisfaction?
L&V: Definitely “Designer Baking” has been a very special project mainly because it managed to bring together design, fashion and food. It was amazing how warmly it has been received from many people of different social and age groups. We really hope that our newfound fascination with food and design will carry in our future projects.
Which are those elements, according to your opinion, that makes a designer better than others?
L&V: If we were to pick something, it would probably be the ability of a designer to analyse and respond to a brief.
Which other disciplines do you thing have interesting connections with design because nowadays we see people that are multiskilled or/and multitalented?
L&V: There is a lot of room in design for cross-disciplinary collaborations. We talked about fashion and food earlier but it could also be the contribution of science or/and technology that could lead to innovative and unexpected results.
Where does your inspiration usually come from?
L&V: Design is an everyday encounter, not always visible but always present. With that in mind we draw inspiration from something very basic; a movement, a texture, a ritual. Sometimes we use design to provide solutions and others to comment on ideas, behaviours and current social affairs.
What advice would you give to the new designers generation from your experience so
L&V: Take one step at a time and stay positive!!! 


ΕΣΩ 2024 // DOWN TO EARTH // Archisearch Lifetime Achievement Awards_Μανόλης Κορρές: "Η υπόθεση των μνημείων δεν είναι προσωπική αλλά διεπιστημονική. Τα μνημεία είναι κοινωνικό αγαθό, είναι αναντικατάστατα, δεν είναι ανανεώσιμα και η ευθύνη είναι πολύ μεγάλη."