Object-e architecture is an architectural practice currently based in Thessaloniki, Greece and directed by Katerina Tryfonidou and Dimitris Gourdoukis. It started in 2006, in St. Louis, USA, as a platform with the intention to explore new territories in architecture with the aid of computational tools and techniques. In an abstract, theoretical way, object-e is something like a virtual architectural ‘object’, or the architectural ‘object of desire’, that gets actualized through each project. Therefore the aim is the constant invention of processes and strategies that will allow more and more of such actualizations to take place and will lead to the production of more and more architectural ‘unconscious’. In a less theoretical, but maybe equally abstract way, object-e started as an exploration of new directions for design through computation; through time, object-e moved beyond the borders of computation and engaged design at large, trying to graft the new media with the social, political and ecological issues that architecture is facing today.
Object-e is based on several collaborations with people coming from different backgrounds, with different design intentions and agendas. The outcome of object-e, being in most cases collaborative, is therefore defying any concept of style; Identity is formed through difference and constant transformation.
Object-e engages architecture and design in three different – but always connected – levels: Through specific design projects that are answers to specific design questions; private projects or competitions. Through experimental research projects that are aiming to extend our understanding of space, digital media and fabrication. Through teaching; either in established institutions or independently, sharing of knowledge is always the core that allows the rest to happen.
During the last 10 years, object-e, either independently or as part of larger collaborative teams, has received several prizes and awards:
– ELITH Competition 2014, Greece, Honorable Mention.
– Koum Kapi Competition 2013, Chania, Greece, 2nd Prize.
– Rethink Athens International Competition, 2013, Greece, 2nd Prize.
– OEK – SIKA 2010 Design for Social Housing Competition, Greece, Honorable Mention.
– Steedman Competition 2010, USA, Honorable Mention.
– World Architecture Community Award, 2rd Cycle, 2009.
– D. Aeropagitou Competition. 2008, Greece, 2nd Prize.
– D. Aeropagitou Competition. 2008, Greece, Special Mention.
– What if New York City… Competition, 2008, USA. Honorable Mention.
– Surface Avant Guardian Award, USA, 2008.
– SUS 5th Aluminum Competition, 2007, Japan. Honorable Mention.
– KRob06 Award, USA, 2006.
– St Louis Follies Competition, 2006, USA. 2nd Prize.
– Komvos Competition, 2005, Greece. Honorable Mention.
Projects’ Credits:
– Koum Kapi Competition: object-e / Dimitris Gourdoukis & Katerina Tryfonidou with Nefeli Charchari, Christos Gourdoukis, Eleanna Panagoulia, Garyfallos Papadopoulos.
– ballRoom: object-e / Dimitris Gourdoukis & Katerina Tryfonidou with Garyfallos Papadopoulos.
– Field Houses: object-e / Dimitris Gourdoukis & Katerina Tryfonidou. (Structural Engineer): George Oikonomopoulos
– Green Square Library: object-e / Dimitris Gourdoukis & Katerina Tryfonidou with (1st & 2nd phase): Spyros Efthymiou, Christos Gourdoukis, (1st phase): Giorgos Anagnostopoulos, Constantinos Miltiadis.
– Hybrid: object-e / Dimitris Gourdoukis
– Surface Heat: object-e / Dimitris Gourdoukis & Katerina Tryfonidou with (first phase): Nikos Christodoulou, Eleanna Panagoulia, Garyfallos Papadopoulos, (second phase): Christos Gourdoukis, Garyfallos Papadopoulos.
– Rethink Athens Competition: Kiki Ilousi, Oihana Iturritxa Kerexeta, Dimitris Gourdoukis, Theodora Christoforidou, Katerina Tryfonidou, Fotis Vasilakis with Nikos Karagiannis, Anastasia Fragkoudi, Fani Natou, Garyfallos Papadopoulos, Nikos Christodoulou, Maria Terzidi.
– Inje(un)ction: object-e / Dimitris Gourdoukis with Christos Gourdoukis
– Temporary Outdoor Gallery: object-e / Dimitris Gourdoukis
– Eleftherias Square: Nikos Dimtsas, Dimitris Gourdoukis, Kiki Ilousi, Stamatis Kiraleos, Maria Prassa, Stavros Vergopoulos.
– MyOwnGarden: T. Christoforidou, S. Duque, V. Dovros, D. Gourdoukis, R. Makridou, S. Papadimitriou, K. Tryfonidou, F. Vasilakis. 
Archisearch - MyOwnGarden, Design for Social Housing Competition, 2010, Honorable MentionMYOWNGARDEN, DESIGN FOR SOCIAL HOUSING COMPETITION, 2010, HONORABLE MENTION
Archisearch - MyOwnGarden, Design for Social Housing Competition, 2010, Honorable MentionMYOWNGARDEN, DESIGN FOR SOCIAL HOUSING COMPETITION, 2010, HONORABLE MENTION
Archisearch - Eleftherias Square Competition, 2013ELEFTHERIAS SQUARE COMPETITION, 2013
Archisearch - Eleftherias Square Competition, 2013ELEFTHERIAS SQUARE COMPETITION, 2013
Archisearch - Temporary Outdoor Gallery, 2009TEMPORARY OUTDOOR GALLERY, 2009
Archisearch - inje(un)ction, AthensX4 Competition, 2010, Shortlisted entry.INJE(UN)CTION, ATHENSX4 COMPETITION, 2010, SHORTLISTED ENTRY.
Archisearch - inje(un)ction, AthensX4 Competition, 2010, Shortlisted entry.INJE(UN)CTION, ATHENSX4 COMPETITION, 2010, SHORTLISTED ENTRY.
Archisearch - reThink Athens Competition, 2013, Second PrizeRETHINK ATHENS COMPETITION, 2013, SECOND PRIZE
Archisearch - reThink Athens Competition, 2013, Second PrizeRETHINK ATHENS COMPETITION, 2013, SECOND PRIZE
Archisearch - surfaceHeat, Elith Competition, 2013, Honorable MentionSURFACEHEAT, ELITH COMPETITION, 2013, HONORABLE MENTION
Archisearch - Hybrid*, 2012HYBRID*, 2012
Archisearch - Hybrid*, 2012HYBRID*, 2012
Archisearch - Green Square Competition, 2012GREEN SQUARE COMPETITION, 2012
Archisearch - Green Square Competition, 2012GREEN SQUARE COMPETITION, 2012
Archisearch - Field Houses, 2010FIELD HOUSES, 2010
Archisearch - Field Houses, 2010FIELD HOUSES, 2010
Archisearch - ballRoom (MC Redux exhibition), 2014BALLROOM (MC REDUX EXHIBITION), 2014
Archisearch - Koum Kapi Competition, 2013, Second PrizeKOUM KAPI COMPETITION, 2013, SECOND PRIZE
Archisearch - Koum Kapi Competition, 2013, Second PrizeKOUM KAPI COMPETITION, 2013, SECOND PRIZE
Archisearch - Koum Kapi Competition, 2013, Second PrizeKOUM KAPI COMPETITION, 2013, SECOND PRIZE


ΕΣΩ 2024 // DOWN TO EARTH // Archisearch Lifetime Achievement Awards_Μανόλης Κορρές: "Η υπόθεση των μνημείων δεν είναι προσωπική αλλά διεπιστημονική. Τα μνημεία είναι κοινωνικό αγαθό, είναι αναντικατάστατα, δεν είναι ανανεώσιμα και η ευθύνη είναι πολύ μεγάλη."